6:50 AM

Sustainable Toy

Environmental Friendly:
Taking Care of Your Flower

Enjoy the experience of taking care an interactive artificial flower!!

This toy the Flower, is mainly for kids around 8~12 years old, it also serves the function of education, to teach kids about responsibility and the concept of sustainable energy

inspired by coolhouse:

a) Sunshine: Charging

Every day kids take the flower to balcony to sun the flower in sunlight, as giving it enough time exposing sunlight to charge the battery in it.

REWARD: Dim Light
if you properly sun the flower(with enough electricity generated by solar cell on it), at night the flower serves like a dim light in your room staying with you while you fall asleep.

b) Watering: Filtering

The toy encourage kids to take used water(e.g. the water the has rinsed fruits or vegetables, face or hands washing) to water the flower. The water poured into the flower will go through an filter, and then become clean water that we can drink (???)

Reward: Happy Shaking
it has an water level indicator, once the water level is higher than certain amount, the flower will shake for seconds as an feedback.


Anonymous said...

Good post.