4:39 PM

Coffee cup recycle: finally Starbucks is on the right track

Finally Starbucks is now doing coffee cup recycling; it reminds me one of my initial sustainable project:

Where did this come from
When I was working at a Morgan Stanley as a user experience designer, it was my job to I observed people's behavior, and I found out an "inconvenient truth": people use a lot of paper cups everyday. Although I was very busy doing research and making website in Morgan Stanley, I still want to do something to improve this bad situation.

And one day I figure out a very simple way to remind people how many paper cups we're dumping everyday, so I started to collect paper cups and the cup holders.

What can it change
A cup holder may not be able to something important, other than keep you hands from burning hot cup, but how about a tons of cup holders? How about a tons of cup holders, and each of them has it's own story?

Based on this idea, I started to make each cup holder a bit different, and tried to give them life, give them emotion and thinking, as a story that can tell people, and reminds people that we shouldn't just dump everything we don't want.

This project is in the initial status, because I'm no longer working for Morgan Stanley, now it's hard to get plain cup holders. However, I'd love to continue this as a art project, to remind people recycling and consuming less.

p.s. if you're interested in cup holders, here is a collection of cup holders